Every Issue

Behind the covers: Feb + Mar 2024

One Issue, Four Foldout Covers

The Category is: Refills

Interruption of a prescription refill can be a major worry for people living with HIV. Positively Aware put the question to its social media followers:

Being Bridgette: Nursing is not for the weak

Becoming a nurse taught me how to live with HIV

Editor’s note



Dovato now available in new packaging option


Ripple effect

How counterfeit drugs and PBMs threaten people living with HIV

The Global Picture: A sliver of hope

A sliver of hope

Recipients and donors living with HIV

Transplanting HOPE

A day With HIV

A Day with HIV: A mosaic of moments

Snapshots from around the world tell the story of ‘A Day with HIV’

This Issue

Illuminating provider blind spots in trans health care

A nurse practitioner develops a simple but transformative cultural competency session for care providers


Being transgender and living with HIV in today’s political environment 


A ‘status neutral’ approach to care

Using a ‘person-first, not disease-first model,’ clinicians encourage and maintain engagement with the people in their care

Going with the flow

New injectable HIV treatments require clinics to rethink their workflow

Off to a Rapid stART

How Clark County, Nevada used HIV testing to get more people into treatment and care