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For more than 30 years, Positively Aware has provided readers with information, empowerment, and hope. People living with HIV, caregivers, their health service providers, and countless families, allies, and advocates all trust Positively Aware to give them the reliable, accurate information they depend on. Reaching out to underserved communities and readers who might otherwise not have access to expert care and peer leadership is our mission. Your tax-deductible one-time or monthly donation to TPAN helps us bring important health and HIV-focused treatment information to you and PA readers across the country.

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About TPAN
Since 1987, TPAN has empowered lives through critical peer support and healthcare services designed to meet the needs of people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. Each year, our mission impacts thousands of individuals and families - through our programs across Chicago and with our nationally distributed health and HIV treatment magazine, Positively Aware. Our expert staff and programming address an array of needs, and we serve individuals across their lifespan - from the LGBT youth accessing our drop-in program to older adults who are longtime survivors of HIV. With the support and generosity of thousands of donors and volunteers like you, TPAN remains a lifeline of care, education, and connectedness for the people we serve, regardless of their ability to pay for services.