On September 22nd take your best shot against HIV stigma.
A Day with HIV portrays 24 hours in the lives of people affected by HIV—that's all of us everywhere, regardless of HIV status. Produced by Positively Aware magazine, the social media-based anti-stigma campaign combines the power of storytelling with the creativity of photography.
“Stigma can scare and isolate people,” said Positively Aware art director Rick Guasco, who created the campaign. “It can also prevent people from accessing care and treatment. A Day with HIV brings people together; it shows that we’re all affected by stigma, and that people living with HIV are just like everyone else.”
This Tuesday, Sept. 22 is A Day with HIV, and you’re invited to take part. On that day, take a picture of whatever you're doing. Post it to your social media with the time and location, and what inspired you to take the photo. Add the hashtag #adaywithhiv. Upload it to www.adaywithhiv.com, or email it to adaywithhiv@tpan.com, and it will be added to an online gallery. A selection of uploaded images will be featured in the November + December issue of Positively Aware. Four high-res photos will be chosen for different versions of the cover.
“Some great photos are taken for A Day with HIV, but the real impact comes from the stories behind those images,” added Guasco, who was diagnosed in 1992. “Posting their picture is an opportunity for a person to tell their story, and to humanize life with HIV.”
A Day with HIV is produced by Positively Aware, a national magazine published six times a year that delivers HIV wellness news and inspiring stories to over 100,000 readers. Subscriptions are available on Positively Aware's website.
Positively Aware is published by TPAN, a nonprofit HIV/AIDS service organization serving people living with and affected by HIV.
A Day with HIV is Tuesday, September 22. For more information, email Rick Guasco, r.guasco@tpan.com.
A Day with HIV 2020Get ready. A Day with HIV this year is Tuesday, Sept. 22. Capture a moment of your day on Sept. 22—post it with the time and location, and what inspired you to take the photo. Add the hashtag #adaywithhiv. Upload it to www.adaywithhiv.com, and it will be added to our online gallery and considered for publication in the NOV+DEC issue of Positively Aware. Four high-res images will be chosen for different versions of the cover. So, take your best shot against stigma!
Posted by A Day with HIV on Sunday, September 6, 2020