Every Issue

Behind the Cover: Fun with pictures

Getting to know Alicia Diggs through her silly side

Editor’s Note

Let the fun begin

Briefly: January + February 2025

Sharing doxy-PEP at sex parties

Being Bridgette

Just enough hope

This Issue

A ‘time capsule’ of service and sacrifice

Voices of Champions honors HIV care providers over the years

An HIV warrior is called home

Remembering Bryan C. Jones

Herramientas para combatir el aislamiento social

A legal guide for people aging with HIV

Excerpted and condensed from the Center for HIV Law and Policy

La soledad puede afectar la fragilidad de las personas mayores con VIH, pero ¿cuánto?

Un estudio publicado en octubre en el Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (JAIDS) obtuvo un hallazgo inesperado: que estar soltero y solitario—y, a diferencia de otros estudios, no tener un recuento de CD4 bajo o multimorbilidad—se correlaciona con la fragilidad en las personas mayores con VIH.

2025 Survey

Tell us about yourself, and what matters to you.


Taking that first step

If you don’t exercise much—or at all—this story is for you.