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TPAN's Privacy Policy

The Test Positive Aware Network (TPAN) respects the privacy of its donors and other visitors to its website. TPAN strongly believes that if online contributions and services to visitors are to flourish, users of our website must be assured that information provided online is used responsibly and appropriately. To protect online privacy, TPAN has implemented the following policy.

What Information Does TPAN Collect?

Most data TPAN collects are used only to help us better serve our clients. It is our general policy to collect and store only personal information that our donors and visitors knowingly provide. If our privacy policies change, we will notify all users by e-mail or a special announcement, prominently placed on the website.

From General Users

TPAN does not collect any personal information from users browsing its website. Only aggregate data—such as the number of hits per page—are collected. Aggregate data are only used for internal and marketing purposes and do not provide any personally identifying information.

From TPAN Donors and Positively Aware Subscribers

To contribute to TPAN’s programs, or receive copies of Positively Aware magazine, donors and subscribers may be asked to provide some limited information—including name, physical address, phone number, and e-mail address. This information, whether submitted online or offline, is submitted voluntarily.

Additionally, for some e-mails sent in HTML format by TPAN to its members, we will collect specific information regarding what the recipient does with that e-mail. For those e-mails, TPAN will monitor whether a recipient subsequently clicks through to links provided in the message.

Other information collected through this tracking feature includes: e-mail address of a user, the date and time of the user’s "click," name of the list from which the message was sent, tracking URL number and destination page. TPAN only uses this information to enhance its products and distribution of those products to its members. This information is not sold or distributed in any other manner.

How Does TPAN Use Data Collected?

TPAN uses information voluntarily submitted by members and other customers in the following ways:

TPAN Donors Services and Marketing

Generally, TPAN uses data collected to improve its own web content; to respond to visitors’ interests, needs, and preferences; and to develop new products and services. TPAN does not sell or share personal information to anyone for any reason.

Credit Card Account Information

Except as required to process a payment transaction, TPAN does not store or disclose credit card account information provided by its members and customers. When members and customers choose to pay using their credit cards, TPAN submits the information needed to obtain payment to the appropriate clearinghouse via an encrypted connection. The complete credit card number is never saved on any server hosting TPAN webpages or the TPAN financial databases.

TPAN Clients

TPAN is committed to protecting the personal information of our clients and does not collect any information on its clients through its website. Prior to receiving services, clients consent to allow TPAN to collect personal information beyond what is covered in this policy. All client information is handled in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPPA) Act of 1996 and 410 ILCS 305 (AIDS Confidentiality Act of Illinois), when applicable.Personal information of clients is never sold or shared with unauthorized third parties.

What Privacy Issues Arise with Links to Other Sites?

This website contains links to other websites. TPAN has no control over and is not responsible for the privacy policies or content of such sites.

What Means of Redress Are Available?

If any user suspects TPAN has handled his or her personal information in a manner that does not comply with this privacy statement, please contact us by e-mailing to or by calling 773-989-9400.