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Decades of systemic racism and racial injustice cannot be undone in a single day or with one verdict. But it can be a start.

We have seen over the past year so many senseless and needless deaths of our Black and Brown brothers and sisters at the hands of those who have been sworn to protect us. While there will never be true justice for George Floyd or his family, a just verdict has been reached—true justice begins with accountability. 
The trauma of systemic racism and racial injustice has led to anger, fear and frustration.
Decades of systemic racism and racial injustice cannot be undone in a single day or with one verdict. But it can be a start, a first step in what will be a long, often difficult process of reform and dismantling of institutional racism. We must fix the disparities of a broken, unequal system, and help heal the trauma it has inflicted.
TPAN is committed to this work and to becoming part of the change. At TPAN, we work to provide the space, service, and support for the most vulnerable in our community, especially at our time of greatest need. In doing so, we become each other’s strength in the pursuit of justice.
This is only the beginning, and there is much work to do. TPAN will be here for it, and be there for our community.