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You may have challenges accessing HBV treatments, but help is out there. All of the pharmaceutical companies that market HBV medications have a patient assistance program (PAP) to help uninsured or underinsured people cover all or part of the costs of their drug. If you are insured but have a high co-pay, there are co-pay assistance services, too. Additionally, there are non-profit organizations that can provide some support for co-pays. Check with each program for details.

The following organizations can help you find low-cost medical care, navigate the health care access and insurance field, or provide financial assistance to help with HBV costs and related health care expenses. These programs have different eligibility requirements, and some have limited funds each year. Call for more information:

HealthWell Foundation

  • (800) 675-8416
  • Currently does not have an HBV fund, but things may change as funding and donations come in. This is also a good resource for other diseases and conditions ranging from acute myeloid leukemia to urea cycle disorders.

Needy Meds

  • A one-stop site of patient assistance programs and other discount opportunities for a variety of pharmaceuticals; also has a very useful database to find free and low-cost medical clinics that can be searched by ZIP code.

Partnership for Prescription Assistance

  • A free, confidential program offered by the pharmaceutical industry, this serves as a one-stop site for over 475 public and private patient assistance programs, including about 200 offered by the drug companies themselves. They also have a directory of over 10,000 free or low-cost clinics searchable by ZIP code.

Patient Access Network Foundation

  • (866) 316-7263
  • Does not have a current HBV program, but this may change, depending on new funding and donations to the organization. A great site for other resources and tips for managing prescription medication costs.

Patient Advocate Foundation

  • (800) 532-5274
  • Does not have a current HBV program, but this may change, based on new funding and donations to the organization. They also assist patients with insurance denials and access to care issues.

Vemlidy (tenofovir alafenamide)


Pegasys (pegylated interferon)


Hepatitis B resources, services and information

American Liver Foundation

  • Provides information and fact sheets on a wide range of liver diseases, including HBV and HCV. They have local chapters throughout the U.S. and often have educational and awareness events. Check their website for activities and events in your area.

Asian Liver Center, Stanford University

  • A world-renowned program working to eliminate the stigma of HBV, as well as prevent transmission and reduce deaths from liver disease among Asian Americans in the U.S. and among Asians throughout the world. It is an excellent resource for patients and providers.

Coalition Against Hepatitis for People of African Origin (CHIPO)

  • African immigrants have high rates of HBV, anywhere from 5% to 15%. CHIPO is a national community coalition comprised of organizations and individuals interested in addressing the high rates of hepatitis B among African communities in the U.S. CHIPO serves as a forum for sharing information and best practices, and improving national capacity to improve hepatitis B awareness, testing, vaccination and treatment among highly affected African communities.

Hepatitis B Foundation

  • Provides a wealth of information on HBV in all areas from awareness to prevention to treatment. They offer educational resources via fact sheets, videos, podcasts, and blog posts. They also have an excellent section on liver cancer via their Liver Cancer Connect program. Information is offered in a variety of languages.

HepB United

  • A national coalition devoted to reducing the health disparities associated with hepatitis B by increasing awareness, screening, vaccination and linkage to care for high-risk communities across the U.S. This is an excellent site if you want to keep up with HBV news and updates, as well as policy and advocacy.

Know Hepatitis B

  • An education and social campaign, Know Hepatitis B offers a number of materials including fact sheets, posters, videos and more on HBV in a wide variety of languages. There is also an excellent resource section for medical providers.