Bilingual PrEP campaign launches in Chicago

Campaña bilingual para PrEP en Chicago

La campaña bilingüe en inglés y español PrEPárate promueve la PrEP para prevenir el VIH entre las comunidades latinas/x/o en la ciudad de Chicago y todo el estado de Illinois. La PrEP (profilaxis prexposición) son medicamentos que se toman para prevenir contraer el VIH a través de las relaciones sexuales o el consumo de drogas inyectables. La campaña declara que la PrEP es para ti y para mí. Véa videos sobre la PrEP en la página Para más información en español, visite la páginañol/sobre-la-prep. En Illinois, llame al PrEP Hub para acceder a la PrEP: (844) 482-4040.

Bilingual PrEP campaign launches in Chicago


A community-based partnership of HIV service and prevention providers in Chicago has launched PrEPárate, a bilingual campaign in Spanish and English promoting HIV prevention via medicine. One important message: PrEP is free or low-cost for everyone.

The campaign went live in July on the public transit buses and trains of the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) and on social media (@cookcountyresearch on Instagram). Campaign ambassadors talk about HIV prevention medication in videos posted to ¡Viva!

Prepárate is Spanish for “prepare yourself.” It’s commonly used to say, “Get ready.” It’s the same word used for male and female genders. (In Spanish, some words have a male and a female version.) 

Anyone needing help accessing PrEP in Illinois can call the PrEP Hub at (844) 482-4040.

The community partnership was brought together by Cook County Health, Northwestern University, and the University of Chicago. Muy bien, titans. Very good.