We asked our social media followers to post their answers—and pictures
“Taking my dogs to the Minnehaha Dog Park in Minneapolis to decompress.”
—Patrick Ali-Ingram
“Smartphone photography, volunteering, fur babysitting.”
—Anthony Johnson
“My dogs. I have three, therefore walks and playing fetch can be a five-minute activity or over an hour.”
—Xio Mora-Lopez
“I enjoy reading.”
—John Cody Walker
“Self-care is important, so this is where I escape from the world. It’s never too late to learn something new and thanks to my meds I’ve got plenty of time to follow my dreams.”
—Katie Willingham
“I knit and I do genealogy research.”
—Mark L Grantham
“Reading. Arts and crafts. Volunteering. Social media.”
—Cameron Brittany
“J’adore cuisiner et regarder le football.”
I love to cook and watch football.
—Isseu Diallo
“Coffee and sarcasm.”
—Larry Frampton
“Playing fetch with my 17-year-old Chinese Crested Powderpuff.”
—Georgy Medeiros
—Teo Drake
“Me gusta ir al gimnasia, por salud mental y física, hacer zumba y ahora mismo estoy aprendiendo a tocar piano.”
I like to go to the gym, for mental and physical health, do Zumba and right now I am learning to play the piano.
“Singing with the New York City Gay Men’s Chorus!”
—Bruce Ward
“Fishing. Roller skating. Bingo.”
—Fred Smith
“This has become one of my favorite hobbies.”
—Kalvin Pugh
“Being a stay-at-home foster parent of three wonderful kids, three dogs, and five cats with a wonderful husband.”
—Ayrick Broin-Burris
“Gospel music is something we enjoy, with me being a music major in college and both of us participating in the national GMWA [Gospel Music Workshop of America] workshops in the past. We are members of the local Houston and Texas chapter of the GMWA. Although we aren’t active anymore, we still keep up with the national GMWA conference every year and support the activities of the Houston and Texas chapter. We support the musicians, songwriters and singers as they release new music.”
—Kalvin and Eunice Marshall
“Cuddling with my lovely dogs.”—Sascha Rex