Jeff Berry Former Editor-in-Chief
Jeff Berry Former Editor-in-Chief
Jeff Berry, the former Editor of Positively Aware magazine, and has served as Editor and Director of Publications since April 2005. Berry has written for a number of publications and websites, including The Huffington Post and He was a contributing author for the book Out and Proud in Chicago, and has appeared on Sirius OutQ Radio’s “The Morning Jolt” with Larry Flick and “The Michelangelo Signorile Show.” He is an active member of the Fair Pricing Coalition and the AIDS Treatment Activist’s Coalition (ATAC). Berry was on the Host Steering Committee for the 2011 United States Conference on AIDS, where he also served as co-chair of the Media Committee. He was the first ever recipient of the TPAN Award of Excellence in 2003, and was awarded the Chicago Area HIV/AIDS Caucus (EASE) Long Term Survivor Award in 2006. Berry resides in Chicago, Illinois.
Firstname Lastname Job Title
Firstname Lastname Job Title
Job Description
Enid Vázquez Associate Editor
Enid Vázquez Associate Editor
Kathleen Fitch, MSN, FNP
Kathleen Fitch, MSN, FNP
Joel Gallant, MD, MPH
Joel Gallant, MD, MPH
Andrew Reynolds
Andrew Reynolds
Alan McCord
Alan McCord
Ashley Slye
Ashley Slye
Benjamin DiCosta
Benjamin DiCosta
Carlos A. Perez
Carlos A. Perez
Catherine Hanssens
Catherine Hanssens
Chad Zawitz, MD
Chad Zawitz, MD
Christopher M. Nguyen, PharmD, AAHIVP
Christopher M. Nguyen, PharmD, AAHIVP
Damon L. Jacobs
Damon L. Jacobs
David Alain Wohl, MD
David Alain Wohl, MD
David Durán
David Durán
David Ernesto Munar
David Ernesto Munar
David Evans
David Evans
David Malebranche, MD, MPH
David Malebranche, MD, MPH
David Fawcett, PhD, LCSW
David Fawcett, PhD, LCSW
Diane Peters
Diane Peters
Drew Gibson
Drew Gibson
Erin Marcus, MD, MPH, FACP
Erin Marcus, MD, MPH, FACP
Gary Nelson
Gary Nelson
Greg Cassin
Greg Cassin
Jeff Taylor
Jeff Taylor
Jessica Terlikowski
Jessica Terlikowski
Jim Pickett
Jim Pickett
Joanna Eveland, MD
Joanna Eveland, MD
Josh Tager
Josh Tager
Kathleen Fitch, MSN, FNP
Kathleen Fitch, MSN, FNP
Kellee Terrell
Kellee Terrell
Ken Almanza
Ken Almanza
Kenyon Farrow
Kenyon Farrow
Laura Jones
Laura Jones
Liz Highleyman
Liz Highleyman
Mariah Depass
Mariah Depass
Marina Kurakin, MSW, MFA
Marina Kurakin, MSW, MFA
Mark S. King
Mark S. King
Matt Sharp
Matt Sharp
Melanie Thompson, MD
Melanie Thompson, MD
Moisés Agosto-Rosario
Moisés Agosto-Rosario
Olivia G. Ford
Olivia G. Ford
Olivia G. Ford (she, her; they, them) is a freelance editor and writer, past perinatal health advocate and editorial director for The Well Project, an online information, support and advocacy resource serving women living with HIV across the gender spectrum. She has worked primarily in HIV-related media since 2007. Her work has appeared in Black AIDS Weekly, Positively Aware, POZ, Rewire and TheBody/TheBodyPro, among other outlets.
Patricia Douglas
Patricia Douglas
Peter Shalit, MD, PhD
Peter Shalit, MD, PhD
Rae Lewis-Thornton
Rae Lewis-Thornton
Renata Smith, PharmD
Renata Smith, PharmD
Richard Jefferys
Richard Jefferys
Rick Guasco Editor-in-Chief
Rick Guasco Editor-in-Chief
Rick Loftus, MD
Rick Loftus, MD
Rob Garofalo, MD
Rob Garofalo, MD
Ross Slotten, MD
Ross Slotten, MD
Sharon Lee, MD
Sharon Lee, MD
Tim Horn
Tim Horn
Timothy Ray Brown
Timothy Ray Brown
Victoria Noe
Victoria Noe
Nelson Vergel
Nelson Vergel
Tonia Poteat, PhD, PA-C, MPH
Tonia Poteat, PhD, PA-C, MPH
Michelle Simek
Michelle Simek
Asa Radix, MD, MPH, AAHIVS
Asa Radix, MD, MPH, AAHIVS
Jason Arsenault
Jason Arsenault
Joseph Darius Jaafari
Joseph Darius Jaafari
Joseph Darius Jaafari is a writer and documentary filmmaker based out of Brooklyn, NY. His work on military and veteran health can be seen in VICE, The Atlantic, Rolling Stone, and Quartz. He is also a guest lecturer on military and sex at the University of Chicago’s School of Professional Psychology in Washington, D.C. He can be reached via his website or Twitter @josephjaafari.
Amy K Johnson
Amy K Johnson
George Green
George Green
Jourdan Barnes
Jourdan Barnes
Josh Tager and David Evans
Josh Tager and David Evans
Josh Tager
Josh Tager
Jian Huang
Jian Huang
David Evans
David Evans
Charles Sanchez
Charles Sanchez
Karine Dubé
Karine Dubé
Karine Dubé and Jeff Berry
Karine Dubé and Jeff Berry
Anne-Christine d’Adesky
Anne-Christine d’Adesky
Warren Tong
Warren Tong
Warren Tong is a freelance health and science journalist, with an extensive background writing about HIV and hepatitis C.
Scott Schoettes
Scott Schoettes
Scott Schoettes is an attorney and advocate who lives openly with HIV. He engages in impact litigation, public policy work and education to protect, enhance and advance the rights of everyone living with HIV.
Bridgette Picou
Bridgette Picou
Bridgette Picou, LVN, ACLPN, is a licensed vocational and certified AIDS Care Nurse in Palm Springs, California. She works for The Well Project-HIV and Women as their stakeholder liaison. Bridgette is a director at large for ANAC (the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care), and a sitting member of the board of directors for HIV & Aging Research Project-Palm Springs (HARP-PS). Bridgette’s goal is to remind people that there are lives being lived behind a three-or four-letter acronym.