AIDS United offers aid for operations and program support
In the aftermath of Hurricane Fiona, HIV/AIDS service organizations in Puerto Rico can apply for grants ranging from $15,000 to $35,000 under a program by AIDS United. The Relief, Recovery and Resilience Fund will help pay for service provision and organizational support.
AIDS United expects to make 12–28 grants that will provide a total of up to $420,000 in assistance covering up to a three-month period. Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis while the money lasts, but must be submitted by January 15, 2023.
Applications in English and Spanish can be submitted through a number of methods:
• email to
• recorded video, no longer than 30 minutes, sent as a link or attachment to
• Zoom call (in English or in Spanish), no longer than 30 minutes, with AIDS United staff can also be scheduled
Organizations applying for the grants must meet the following requirements:
• have a physical presence in Puerto Rico
• work in HIV using a racial and social justice lens
• be representative of the communities they serve
• have IRS 501(c)(3) status, be certified a nonprofit by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or have a fiscal agent with such status.
Grant money will be issued via ACH payment.
Applicants must outline the challenge they or their communities are facing, and explain why the organization is particularly suited to address that need. Grant reports will be due one month after the end of the grant period.
Funding can be used for general operations or project-specific support such as:
• replacement of computers and equipment lost or damaged in the storms
• direct provision of supplies to HIV constituents
• direct financial assistance to HIV constituents
• medical services and case management
• emotional or mental health support for HIV constituents, staff or volunteers
• supporting administrative costs not covered by other funding sources
For more details, go to A YouTube video also provides information.
The Relief, Recovery and Resilience Fund is supported by a grant from Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Para obtener más información, envíe un correo electrónico: Anselmo Fonseca,