One Issue, Four Foldout Covers
The issue features four versions of the foldout cover, each with photos from A Day with HIV, Positively Aware’s annual anti-stigma campaign. A Day with HIV portrays 24 hours in the lives of people affected by HIV. On September 23, 2023, people around the world photographed a moment of their day, posted the picture to their social media and shared their story using the hashtag #adaywithhiv.
An online gallery is on view at

1:23 PM: Princeton, New Jersey
“Following our passion as HIV advocates, we are spending the day at HealtheVoices 2023”
—Kamaria Laffrey, Jahlove Serrano, Brady Dale Etzkorn-Morris, Jesus Heberto Guillen Solis, Timothy S Jackson, Bryant O’Donnell, Robert Breining, Daniel G. Lewis, Octavia Yaz-mine Lewis and Mycah Arellano

9:48 AM: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
“Diagnosed 2003 at age 16. Twenty years—TWENTY YEARS POSITIVE!!!—later with a few stories to tell and a few scars, physically and emotionally. But today I’m fitter, happier and healthier than ever. Fight HIV shame and stigma!”
—Nathaniel J. Hall
6:00 PM: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
“Celebrating my birthday today with my daughter. The love and support of family is important when living with HIV.”
—Asha Molock

6:13 PM: Mbale, Uganda
“As a young person living with HIV, I advocate for HIV prevention measures, U=U, elimination of mother to child transmission and an end to stigma among adolescents and young people living with HIV. As a change champion, I want to create change in my community and country.”
8:20 AM: Los Angeles, California
“I am more than a long-term survivor... I am also a thriver.”

1:55 PM: Montgomery, Alabama
“Enjoying the beautiful rays of sunlight on my couch. The sunlight reminds me of the warm love I have for all mankind. We are human first, which means before every single HIV diagnosis, we were human first! Recognizing the human first is the true path to the eradication of HIV!”
—Marco Mays
6:14 PM: Dallas, Texas
“Cuz I’m grown and I like being outside!”
—Michelle Anderson