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Gay parenthood 

After our report on gay and HIV-positive parents in the January + February issue, Associate Editor Enid Vázquez came across Gay Parent magazine, “a leader in LGBTQ parenting resources since 1998.” The issue listed camps specific to LGBT families, fertility options, and personal stories. Even the cover photos looked similar. Synchronicity. 


Poz Cruise Retreat sets sail November 2018 

The 14th annual Poz Cruise takes place November 11–18, 2018, sailing roundtrip from New Orleans to Cozumel, Hondoras, and Costa Maya. Founder and travel agent Paul Stalbaum said that more than 250 people from all over the U.S. and Canada attend the retreat, including spouses and other family members. In addition to fun, there are presentations providing valuable information to those living with HIV. Stalbaum said that more $60,000 in donations and scholarships have been raised to date. The cruise creates incredible bonding experiences each year. Rates begin at $649. Details at



New book from prison minister 

Long-time HIV activist Rev. Doris Green, a prison minister featured in the July + August 2010 issue of POSITIVELY AWARE, has published a new book, Don’t Wait Until The Battle Is Over: Shout Victory Now! Rev. Green began ministering to incarcerated folks more than 30 years ago, when prison ministries were scarce. She writes, “When I first entered prison, I judged the people I met. I had been taught to. Ministries were for innocent victims like babies and orphans, not for people who had committed crimes. Or so I thought. But as the prisoners I met shared their life experiences with me, I began to understand how much we had in common. I had lived some of the very same experiences that the people in prison had lived. I, Evangelist Doris Green, could’ve been incarcerated!” According to her publisher, the book “is the story of how a liberatory prison ministry was built, and a record of the painstaking process through which incarcerated people make amends.” Rev. Green is the founder of Men & Women in Prison Ministries/Universal House of Refuge Center. She served as the director of Correctional Health and Community Affairs at the AIDS Foundation of Chicago for 13 years. She helped launch the Faith Responds to AIDS (FRA) interfaith coalition in Chicago in 2006. Don’t Wait Until The Battle Is Over is available wherever books are sold.