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Mixed emotions


I identified with your recent Editor’s Note [Jan+Feb 2019]. I turned 80 in November after 30 years of being positive. I have mixed emotions about being a long-term survivor because the increasingly painful effects of age-related degenerative diseases are threatening my joy of life.


As you pointed out, aging with HIV disease is a process of loss, both of loved ones and of self-image. Even though I consider myself to have lived a productive, successful life, I still have periods of depression and sadness. The emotional toll of this disease is profound, indeed.


Thanks for your work to publish an informative magazine.


—Jere Erickson

San Diego, California




I am a peer educator here at Telford Unit, New Boston, Texas and have been receiving your magazines for four months already (two issues). I just want to say thank you. I’ve learned a lot of valuable information and our peers have learned a lot, too. You’re doing an awesome job. Your hard work is changing lives here in Telford Unit. Thank you once again.


—Name Withheld

New Boston, Texas


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I work at JustUs Health (formerly the Minnesota AIDS Project). We have gotten drug guides from you every year in the past to help our HIV case managers as well as to put up in our client rooms. They have been super helpful and we are interested in getting more this year. The person at our agency responsible for getting copies of these in the past no longer works here, so I am reaching out to see if I could get connected to the right person to request some drug guides for this year. I know I am a bit early still, but wanted to start on this now to be prepared.


—Matt Johnson

Minneapolis, Minnesota


I’m Melissa Watkins, formerly of Accordant Health Services, and am starting off the new year with a new job with AHF in Lithonia, Georgia. I brought your wonderful HIV drug chart and posted it. The doctors here also saw the smaller tri-fold pocket edition of the chart, and wanted their own. Now everybody wants one!


When the 2019 pocket edition charts roll out, we want those, too! I so appreciate you all, and attribute my learning the meds to your work!


Much love to you, and yours in the mission.


—Melissa Watkins

Lithonia, Georgia


Order additional copies of the 2019 POSITIVELY AWARE HIV Drug Guide and HIV Drug Chart!