Got my first copy of Positively Aware today. Thank you for my subscription. By far my favorite HIV-related magazine!
—Billy Eugene Willis III
via Facebook
This is the seventh month since I’ve been diagnosed with HIV. This is the third time that I have been reading your magazine. It helps me with some of the things I’m going through. This month you let me know about the med I’m on.
I have been taking Genvoya for six months now. I am undetectable. But it still doesn’t make me any happier inside. Just have to get out to a world that feels that you can give them or your family something by just being around them. It hurts very much. Jeff Berry, you said trauma makes you strong. Let me find meaning in life now. That way
I can keep going. Thank you. I’m trying to learn to love me for me.
—Vince Hudson
Chino, California
I want to thank your fine publication, for the positive and inspiring stories you do for us long-term survivors. I tested positive in 1983. Lost my partner of many years in 1989. I’ve been through the lean years of losing many friends to the times when great advancements in meds and research has kept us all going.
Through alcoholism and mistakes I ended up in the Texas prison system. But I fight on and persevere, with your help and guidance.
Thank you for all you do to help in this fight!
—Longtime reader, Danny Burks
Rasharon, Texas
I would like to request a copy of your most recent HIV drug chart and any new issue of PA pertaining to prison and incarceration. A big issue/concern that we are experiencing at this unit in Texas is that we are forced to pay a medical co-pay of $100 (which is subject to increase in the very near future), but we cannot be involved in the selection or choice of our HAART regimen. In a nutshell, due to the high cost of HIV meds, we have no other choice than to take a “cocktail” of five pills as opposed to a simpler regimen. Yet, we are required to pay an annual medical co-pay. I would like to find some information regarding this particular issue, if any is currently available. Thank you for your services. They are invaluable.
—Dusty Hernandez
Tennessee Colony, Texas
As a prisoner who will always be eternally grateful for your magazine and the help it has provided for me. I would also like you to know it’s an education tool for peer education here at this prison. I am HIV-negative, but am currently advocating and involved in activism about the HCV treatment and policies here in prison, along with peer education advancements. As a successful litigator I can express how your magazine has helped in my communication with health care officials on my behalf and that of others. Without your magazine I would not be able to have successfully obtain Harvoni here in prison. Thank you.
—Ignacio Cota
Ione, California

Credit: au_americas_aids_magazine
Our colleagues at A&U—Art and Understanding magazine—posted this picture of the HIV magazines on display alongside the various community publications at The LGBTQ Center of Long Beach. Seeing everyone’s work presented in such a winning manner compelled us to share their photo.