‘Generations’ of survivors
I was in my doctor’s office yesterday, looking through the January + February issue, when I came across David Durán’s article, “The Next Generation of Long-Term Survivors.” I read it with great interest.
David refers to the different “generations” of survivors; I just wanted to say that I am a member of the “original” generation of survivors.
I grew up in Los Angeles and was living in Santa Monica at the time I contracted HIV in 1982. After waiting two weeks for the results of my test, I was absolutely devastated and terrified; at the time, the life expectancy, at most, eighteen months. I had two small children at home at the time; as a single parent I was more than a little concerned.
I was immediately referred by my dentist to Michael Gottlieb, MD, who immediately started me on AZT, as that was the only thing available.
I was 31 at the time; it’s been a long and, at times, a very scary 37 years.
I wanted to thank David for his article and for mentioning us “original survivors.” I appreciated that nod, because the terror of it back then was almost too much to bear, and was for many who decided to end their lives abruptly.
I am very happy to say, at this time I am nondetectable. My previous T cell count was 1,013; I’m waiting to hear my results from yesterday’s test.
So, thank you, David—you’re a good man, and I very much appreciate your article.
Jamestown, Tennessee
At a ‘golden’ age
Hello, my name is Gabriel. I was in POSITIVELY AWARE’s Golden Years special edition [Summer 2016]. I wanted to share with you my page on HIVMEET. Your magazine and your drug guide have done wonders for a lot of the members on the site. Thank you, and if I could assist in another aging
edition, I would welcome the opportunity. Keep up the great work!
Look for the Spring 2019 special issue of POSITIVELY AWARE on HIV and Aging.