On September 21, 2018, people across the U.S. and around the world captured a moment of their day for A Day with HIV. This issue features four different special edition foldout covers featuring photos from the magazine’s annual anti-stigma campaign, now in its ninth year. A selection of photos appears on this issue. View the online gallery at adaywithhiv.com. Also, search social media for the hashtag #adaywithhiv.

1:00 PM: Boulders Beach, South Africa (left)
Cindy Pivacic: Checking out the penguins. HIV positive going on 14 years, diagnosed with AIDS in 2008, having acquired TB, meningitis, shingles, and pneumonia; I survived two strokes and cancer. More recently, unrelated to HIV, I had a massive heart attack in March 2018, and a double bypass to go with it, and I am still here. I’m 60 years old. Nothing should be allowed to impede your life, no matter what.
11:20 AM: Atlanta, Georgia (right)
Darriyhan Edmond: 1,725 days living with HIV. Every night before bed I take my meds, almost choking myself trying to swallow that pill. There were times I used to break down but I’ve learned that crying will not change my status, so I wipe my face clean from the tears and replace that cry with a smile.

6:48 PM: Quincy, Illinois (left)
Tamara Mayfield Dietrich: I am doing POUND Rockout Workout fitness—it’s a cardio workout inspired by drumming and it’s totally changed my life. I started as a student doing this fitness class in 2016 and it’s been awesome to watch my transformation. I’ve been teaching this class since December 2017. I still have my ups and downs, but it’s a lot better than before. I want to give a shout out to Design It, who designed my shirt, and to BW Photography.
10:19 AM: Kalamazoo, Michigan (right)
Levi Berkshire: I am sitting at my desk at CARES. I am a non-medical
case manager for people living with HIV/AIDS. I am also a person who is living with HIV. I took this picture to remind myself that this is what makes me happy and that I love helping other people living with HIV/AIDS.

10:33 PM: Savannah, Georgia (left)
Kamaria Laffrey: This Black Girl Magic isn’t for show, doesn’t come easy, and takes work to maintain. I’m learning to trust it along with my Creator and all that I am called to do. This is my power shift of empowerment.
1:57 PM: Warsaw, Poland (right)
Andrew Espinosa: Twenty-one years ago, while living in Poland, I found out I was living with HIV. I was able to stay here, start treatment in a clinical trial, and received incredible care from amazing doctors. I will always be grateful for the care, support, and love that I received here. I return annually to see my friends and doctors. Today was an especially beautiful day!

1:55 PM: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Cree Gordon: I have been HIV positive for 13 years. The last time I participated in A Day with HIV was in 2011. My opposites attract photo made such an impact on folks in my life and the people I came into contact through education opportunities and on social media, I did not think I could top it. Advancements in HIV have been made since then, so I thought I would update it. Treatment as Prevention works to reduce HIV transmission. PrEP works to reduce HIV transmission. We can end HIV with help of TasP and PrEP; we just have to address the barriers of access, especially for Black, Latino, rural, and low-/no-income folks. This can happen. We can get to zero. Join me in ending HIV and the stigma attached to it.