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Your Life Matters
A series of four videos for young men who have sex with men (MSM), from Project Inform.

What is PrEP?
This video describes how PrEP works inside the body. The page also has links to several resources. 

How to access PrEP?
A video for African American and Latino MSM, from the National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC).

Do you swallow?
A video for African American MSM, from the National Black Gay Men’s Advocacy Coalition (NBGMAC) and NMAC.

My PrEP Video Experience Factsheet
Vlogger @kenlikebarbie explains PrEP.

Three PrEP Myths Busted
A video explaining some common misconceptions about PrEP, from the San Francisco AIDS Foundation (SFAF).

Videos and information for cisgender and transgender women.


AIDS Foundation of Chicago
“I need … PrEP” is a web page dedicated to finding a medical provider and obtaining insurance access on the marketplace. Although state-specific, the insurance guide provides useful information.

Project Inform
Educational booklets, videos, point-of-care cards, and other resources are available. Order free copies online. 

PrEP Facts
Information and Q&A for gay men as well as heterosexual men and women, in English and Spanish.


The Well Project
Information on PrEP for women, from The Well Project.

U.S. Women & PrEP Working Group
A national advocacy group by and for women about the use of PrEP.

Talking to your doctor about PrEP
A brochure from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers questions that you can ask your doctor. 

PrEP Watch
Clinical trial research data supporting the use of PrEP and a list of demonstration projects, from AVAC.

Center for Excellence of Transgender Health
Lots of useful information for transgender persons and the people who serve them. Though not devoted to PrEP, this link provides a list of support options.


Ready. Set. PrEP.
The AIDS Foundation of Chicago offers two education program slide decks—one for providers and a community education slide deck.

PrEPare for Life
Education and awareness program by NMAC targeting young gay men, in particular, Black and Latino gay men 18–25 years old.

Is PrEP Right for Me?
A visual, step-by-step introduction to PrEP, from The Stigma Project. 


Federal PrEP Guidelines
Clinical Practice Guidelines (evidence, prescribing info, etc.) from the CDC, and a Provider’s Supplement (checklists, ICD, CPT and LOINC Codes, etc.).

National PrEPline
Clinician Consultation Center PrEPline, UCSF, for medical professionals.

Truvada for PrEP
Manufacturer’s website for Truvada for PrEP. Information for educators and uninfected individuals as well.


PrEP Facts: Rethinking HIV Prevention & Sex
This rapidly growing (7,020 members and counting) closed Facebook group offers a safe and sex-positive place for people to get advice, support, and information on PrEP. Founded in 2013 by New York City psychotherapist and PrEP user Damon Jacobs, the site not only helps people though challenges such as stigma, disclosure, side effects, and risk reduction, it has also become one of the quickest ways to find a PrEP-friendly provider. Search for the group on Facebook and request to join.

Long-time HIV prevention advocate Jim Pickett (page 15) launched this blog when the first few people were beginning to take PrEP, and when the stigma toward PrEP users was at its greatest. Founded on the philosophy that sexual health should be rooted in pleasure, the site also offers links to a variety of sources of PrEP information.

HIVE (see page 14 for a profile of director Shannon Weber) offers information for people contemplating or taking PrEP and for their providers. Weber, a champion for perinatal care for HIV-positive women and reproductive rights for all people living with HIV, pioneered work that provides new options for mixed HIV status partnerships (couples, surrogacy, singles) who want to safely have children.