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See presentations from USCA at There are several videos of the U=U plenary with inspiring personal stories and information.


Listen to beautiful music and a heartfelt story from America’s Got Talent finalist tenor Branden James with husband, cellist James Clark.


“Letters poured in on Facebook and Twitter from kids all over the world,” said James, who is living with HIV (his husband is not), about his journey to where he is today. “Some of those kids were from places like Russia and Egypt, who reached out to me in fear that if they told anyone who they really were, that they might end up in prison, or they might end up dead. Some letters were from others who’d been kicked out of their families all over the U.S., who were struggling with their sexuality. Parents began flooding my inbox, asking me how I can help them approach their kids with their sexuality. In 2014 I was here [in Washington, D.C.], appearing at the Cherry Blossom festival. And after my 90-second stint on local TV, a perfect stranger came up to me and he said, ‘Branden, you are an agent of change. Keep telling your stories. Keep sharing your truth with us. It is a force for good.’ I had an epiphany that day. And I realized the power I had. I understood for the first time that it was my calling to lead a life of authenticity and transparency. I realized that by simply offering a piece of my own story, I had the power to help potentially thousands of others.”


What’s Scruff got to do with it? Watch the video.